Who we are
Naturextralab is an innovative start-up, established and registered in the Special Register of the Chamber of Commerce of Cosenza (IT) in October 2019. It was born from the collaboration in applied research of two complementary scientific disciplines: phytochemistry and Information and Communication Technology with a focus on the study of plant resources. The objective is to seek innovative solutions to be put at the service of health, in the same time promoting a controlled and sustainable supply chain for the sake of our land and circular economy.
The research activity is supported by the development of a Web platform that collects all the most useful information related to the world of medicinal plants.We apply FAIR principles for data management.
The Team
The scientific collaborations
Since October 30, 2020 an agreement of scientific collaboration with the Department of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and Nutrition of the University of Calabria is in place, with the aim of mutual exchange of experiences in the Nutraceutical/Food/Pharmaceutical field (Convention prot. ARC_ 1604047405281).